Some doubt the 35-year-old O'Neal -- who has been known during his career as "The Diesel," "The Big Aristotle," "The Big Daddy," "Wilt Chamberneezy," and "The Real Deal" and now the "Big Cactus"? -- the question is will he be able to keep up with his new teammates --or will he just stand there like a big cactus?.
Lakers coach Phil Jackson, who coached Shaq to titles from 2000-02, is among the skeptics, saying Shaq's responsibilities will involve "taking the ball out of bounds and waiting for the other team to get back," then added,"he's a jokester, and that's funny, very funny," Shaq said without smiling. "Ha-ha. Very funny." The Suns (37-16) -- who have a one-game lead over the Lakers (36-17) in the Pacific Division -- are convinced adding O'Neal could bring them their first NBA title. A win tonight would put the Lakers in a first place division spot ahead of the Suns.
Speaking of jokesters, check out this article about Shaq going to the Suns from the Onion.
I've never seen the West so stacked in my life...this is unreal! Saying whose the best doesn't really mean squat. It's like asking whose uglier, Carrot Top or Rocky from Mask...it's just a matter of opinion. This season has no clear favorites, any one of the west has a legitimate shot at going to the finals. WOW! What a season for NBA fans.
I agree Purple and Orange...(ha ha Carrot Top)...it's definitely going to be a fun ride to the championship. If last nights game is any indication of things to come, then I can't wait!!!
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